Frequently asked questions

What areas do you service?

We service the Arrowhead area as well as the Happy Valley area (43rd Ave - 107th Ave)

our service area borders are as follows:

North - Sonoran Mountain Ranch Rd

South - Thunderbird Rd

East - 51st Ave

West - 107th Ave

These are general guidelines for our borders. Most of our clients are within this area.  Thank you for your understanding.

(Sorry, we do not service Sun City or Surprise)


How far in advance should I book my pets appointment?

Please plan on scheduling your pets first appointment well in advance.  Most of our clients have us automatically reschedule their pets grooming sessions, this way there is never any wait or need to call for another appointment - we take care of it for you! At times, we can be booked for several weeks in advance. 


How old should my puppy be before he gets his first groom?

Ideally, we like to start puppies with grooming between 8-12 weeks of age.  The first  few grooming sessions we are introducing a lot of new things, so we take it nice and slow and keep it simple.  Usually these sessions consist of brushing out the coat, nail trim, ear cleaning,  sanitary clip, expressing the glands, bath/blow dry, trim face and feet.  Once the puppy is accustomed to the process, we introduce more body clipping, scissoring and styling.  


What can I do to prepare my pet for his grooming appointment?

If your pet is typically nervous during vet/grooming visits, you can help by not feeding your pet a large meal before the appointment.  For some pets with lots of energy, it may be helpful to exercise or walk your dog prior to grooming.  For cats - we recommend containing your cat in a carrier or bath room prior to our arrival.

We recommend using a leash to walk your pet to the van, however, please do not use a retractable leash or harness. We have found retractable leashes to be unsafe and the harnesses can be difficult to take off and put on a nervous or fidgety pet.


Do you need to hook up anything to my home for power or water?

No worries, we have everything on board to make your pets experience comfortable - including air-conditioning/heating, heated water, even relaxing music.  Our unit is equipped with a 5000 Watt inverter system - allowing us to use all of the appliances in our unit without  having to plug in anywhere.  The Petagree Spaw also has an 8000 Watt QD Generator used to charge the battery system. Our Water Heater and Furnace  - which are  powered by Propane - allow us to control the climate in the Spaw area to insure your pet is comfortable at all times.   All we need is your little angel! 


Do you groom Cats?

Yes, as long as your cat is not a tooth-enforced protester, is current on his rabies vaccination and is in good health  - we would be happy to schedule your feline friend.  


How often should my pet be groomed?

That depends on a few factors, including your brushing habits, the breed, length of coat, etc., to name a few.  Most breeds fall in the 4-8 week range.  All breeds require grooming - even short haired dogs and cats.  Besides coat care; nails, ears and glands need regular attention to keep your pet looking and feeling their best.


How do I get an appointment?

When you call Petagree we will discuss your pets grooming needs, answer any questions or concerns you may have as well as give you an estimate on arrival time and price.  All of our appointments are scheduled on a 2 hour arrival window of time, except for the first appointment of the day which is 7-7:30 AM.  We take appointments Monday through Friday (Except major holidays). 


Do you groom large breeds?

Absolutely!  We groom all breeds - from toy breeds to giant breeds and everything in between. Our mobile unit is equipped with an electric table that lowers to the floor for large breeds and then raises.  A ramp is used to transfer large breeds from the table to the bathing area. We also have a ramp that is available for your pet to walk right into the van as well, however if your pet is not used to using a ramp like this they may be hesitant.


How long does is take to groom my pet?

It varies by breed and the condition of your pets coat.  Most breeds are completed in about an hour.  Larger breeds can be a little more time consuming.  We will take as much time as needed to make your pet look fabulous!  We believe in getting it right the first time and everytime, the difficult is possible and the impossible sometimes just takes a little longer! 

We value your time and will send you a text or a phone call letting you know we are on our way, so you will know exactly when we arrive via our navigation app.


My dog is matted - but I want to keep his hair long.  Is that possible?

We will always do everything we can to save a matted coat - however, sometimes it is not possible due to severe matting.  The comfort and safety of your pet is our primary concern.  We will never put your pet through a painful grooming process. 


Can I stay with my pet while he's being groomed?

Most dogs and cats do better when mom and dad are out of sight.  For this reason we do not allow clients in the spaw while their pet is being groomed.  We invite you to tour our facility before we begin.  Your pet is always in good hands at Petagree.


I have several dogs and cats - do you offer multiple pet discounts?

Because of the nature of our business, we  do not offer multiple pet discounts, but we do offer "perks" for clients on a 6 week or less grooming schedule.  Ask us about  some of the benefits at your pets next appointment.


What is your Cancellation Policy?

We appreciate at least 24 hr. notice to cancel or reschedule an appointment. We realize this may not always be possible because poo-poo happens. We also note if this becomes an ongoing issue.  We are meticulous about keeping you informed about your pets appointments and never want it to be difficult or burdensome for you to confirm an appointment with us.  We confirm each and every appointment - usually through a text message - this is typically the simplest way for most people to confirm their appointments.  Because of the nature of our business we do require a confirmation response - a simple "WOOF" or "MEOW" lets us know we are good to go!  If we are unable to confirm an appointment with you or leave a message on voice mail with you concerning your appointment  -  your appointment may be postponed or cancelled by us. 


If my pet has external parasites like fleas or ticks, will you be able to take care of them with the grooming?

Because Petagree Mobile Spaw is a parasite free zone -  we do not accept clients that have heavy infestations of fleas, ticks, lice or mites.  If we notice that one of our regular clients has some kind of parasite - we carry products to take care of these little devils (At an additional charge). In most cases, the amount of grooming we are able to do on a pet with parasites will be limited due to the fact that we do not want to expose any of our other valued clients to any unwanted pests.  If your pet has a heavy infestation of fleas or ticks we recommend having your pet treated as soon as possible.  Your home will need to be treated at the same time to eradicate these pests. Your pet may need to be Dewormed as well.  When the parasites are gone we can then focus on the grooming needs of your pet.  Parasites can never thrive in a clean environment, so the best way of treating fleas,  ticks, mites and lice in dogs and cats is to never give them any hope of surviving anywhere near your pets. Make sure to keep clean not only the environment but also all the things your furry friends come in contact with. 


Is it customary to tip the groomer?

Yes, tips are accepted and are a great way to show your gratitude and appreciation for a job well done.




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It's time for a Spaw Day with Petagree Mobile Spaw!
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